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Test- & Measurement Equipment

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Tektronix35% + 40% off on scope, software and accessories!

35% + 40% off on scope, software and accessories!

Valid to: 28th March 2025Elevate your testing capabilities with this unbeatable package combining two powerful promotions that will equip your testing lab with best-in-class oscilloscope, software ...

Tektronix25% Discount for Educational Establishments

25% Discount for Educational Establishments

Valid until: 31st December 2024 Investing in education is the key to the future of innovation. Tektronix and Keithley make it easy to equip your teaching labs with industry-leading test and measure...

TektronixSee more, for less

See more, for less

Valid until: 31st December 2024 The craziest of offers for the coolest of the Scopes. Supercharged 3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope There is only one oscilloscope that is not only “mixed signals”...


Our vision is to offer test- and measurement equipment from the world’s leading brands to our customers. This has been enabled through many years of collaboration with our suppliers.

More about us

Karsten Damm

Mail: KD(at)GOmeasure.dk
Phone: (+45) 41 12 14 14

Peter Herbst

Mail: PH(at)GOmeasure.dk
Phone: (+45) 31 33 14 85

Niklas Peinert

Mail: NP(at)GOmeasure.dk
Phone: (+46) 73 20 20 059

Keld Amdi Sørensen

Mail: KA(at)GOmeasure.dk
Phone: (+45) 31 33 14 57

Tommi Sørensen

Mail: TS(at)GOmeasure.dk
Phone: (+45) 31 33 14 75


We have many years of experience in the test- and measurement industry.

When you do business with us, you can feel safe. We have many years of collective experience and utilize our good relations to our suppliers to gain the best solutions at a fair price. Call us today and have a chat about your test- and measurement needs.

+45 31 33 18 19



You can find instruments and solutions here from the world’s leading test & measurement brands at competitive prices.


We will handle your repair and calibration cases, so you can feel reassured in your measurements.


We are happy to help with identifying the right solution for your setup.


GOmeasure sponsors AAU Racing

We are AAU Racing, and we create better engineers by making racecars! In our part time we design, manufacturer and assemble racecars, where we are currently taking on the task of making our 10th generation racecar (G10). G10 is going to be an all-electric racecar, with a battery pack designed by us. This challenge of designing and building a racecar like this, pushes the boundaries of the team and gives valuable hands-on experience practicing the “art of engineering”. We compete in Formula Student competitions in Europe, with the team consisting of students from different fields of engineering.


About our cooperation with GOmeasure

At AAU Racing we have the privilege of partnering with GOmeasure. Our cooperation is making sure that every time we get in the car, we are certain it will work. The Tektronix oscilloscope from GOmeasure gives us better insight in the testing of the motor and inverter, when they need to perform at speed and high voltages. With the agile capabilities of the scilloscope, we can have it with us during track days, as well as competitions.

All of this, making sure that the team and car will succeed.


GOmeasure sponsors AAU Racing

We are AAU Racing, and we create better engineers by making racecars! In our part time we design, manufacturer and assemble racecars, where we are currently taking on the task of making our 10th generation racecar (G10). G10 is going to be an all-electric racecar, with a battery pack designed by us. This challenge of designing and building a racecar like this, pushes the boundaries of the team and gives valuable hands-on experience practicing the “art of engineering”. We compete in Formula Student competitions in Europe, with the team consisting of students from different fields of engineering.


About our cooperation with GOmeasure

At AAU Racing we have the privilege of partnering with GOmeasure. Our cooperation is making sure that every time we get in the car, we are certain it will work. The Tektronix oscilloscope from GOmeasure gives us better insight in the testing of the motor and inverter, when they need to perform at speed and high voltages. With the agile capabilities of the scilloscope, we can have it with us during track days, as well as competitions.

All of this, making sure that the team and car will succeed.

Nyt job?

Er du vores nye sælger?

Er du en resultatorienteret og passioneret sælger med
teknisk forståelse?

GOmeasure ApS søger en dygtig og engageret sælger, der kan drive salget af vores løsninger til nye og ksisterende kunder primært i Jylland og på Fyn. Du vil få en plads på vores kontor i Herning og være en del af et innovativt og voksende team.

Om os:

GOmeasure ApS er en førende leverandør af avancerede testløsninger til elektronik-branchen. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at udvikle deres produkter og optimere deres produktion ved at sikre høj præcision i deres målinger. Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af måleudstyr og services, som er med til at løse komplekse tekniske udfordringer. Vi lægger stor vægt på innovation, pålidelighed og kundetilfredshed.


Som sælger hos GOmeasure ApS får du ansvaret for at drive salget af vores store udvalg af produkter og løsninger til både eksisterende og nye kunder. Du vil arbejde tæt sammen med et erfarent team og have stor indflydelse på udviklingen af nye forretningsmuligheder.

Dine arbejdsopgaver inkluderer:

  • Identificere og opsøge nye kunder og markedsmuligheder i industrien
  • Vedligeholde og udbygge relationer med eksisterende kunder
  • Rådgive kunder om valg af måleudstyr og løsninger
  • Afholde præsentationer og produktdemonstrationer, både fysisk og online
  • Arbejde tæt sammen med vores tekniske team for at sikre, at kundernes behov bliver opfyldt
  • Udføre salgsprognoser og rapportere om salgsresultater


Vi ser det som en fordel, at du har følgende kvalifikationer og erfaring:

  • Erfaring som sælger, gerne indenfor tekniske produkter eller løsninger
  • Teknisk forståelse og interesse, gerne med en baggrund indenfor teknik, måleteknologi eller lignende
  • Dokumenterede salgsresultater og erfaring med B2B-salg
  • Evnen til at arbejde selvstændigt og drive egne salgsprojekter
  • Gode kommunikationsevner på dansk og engelsk, både mundtligt og skriftligt
  • En proaktiv og udadvendt personlighed med stærk forhandlings- og afslutningsevne

Vi tilbyder:

  • En spændende og udfordrende sælgerrolle med stor frihed under ansvar
  • Et arbejdssted i Herning, hvor du bliver en del af et engageret og dynamisk team
  • Gode muligheder for personlig og faglig udvikling i en vækstorienteret virksomhed
  • Konkurrencedygtig løn og bonusordning baseret på dine resultater
  • Firmabil og telefon


Vil du høre mere om jobbet er du velkommen til at kontakte Peter Herbst på 313 314 85 eller Tommi Sørensen på 313 314 75 og sende din ansøgning og CV til job@GOmeasure.dk. Vi vil løbende afholde samtaler med kandidater. Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!