The business of Kikusui mirrors the growth of technologies in the environmental and new energy (= electronics) fields. Electronic measurement instruments and power supply equipment are essential components for electronics technologies. Our company is active wherever there is R&D or production of electrical or electronic devices and equipment.
The Kikusui Group is investing business resources in “growth markets (= markets related to Smart Cities)” where new demand is expected, while also retaining our firm position in “stable markets (= safety-related (standard testing) and other fields)” that are supported by replacement demand.
In relation to Smart Cities, we are active in distributed power generation including solar power, wind power, and fuel cells; EMS (Energy Management Systems); next-generation automobiles such as EV, HV, and PHV; as well as energy-saving appliances and other environmental and new energy fields. We carry out product development targeting a broad range of devices, equipment testing, and production equipment related to these fields. We have also entered the market of quick chargers for electric vehicles (EV) where future growth is expected. In addition, we are carrying out development of key EMS-related devices. Kikusui will continue to be actively involved in new business areas where our measurement and power technologies can be put to productive use.