Svantek SVAN 974 Vibration Meter and FFT Analyser

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The kit consists of SVAN   974 together with SV80 accelerometer and SA27 mounting magnet, SC27 coil cable all packed in SA74 waterproof carrying case. The accessories list also contains 32 GB microSD card and pendrive with user manual. Each SVAN     974 has its factory calibration certificate and 36 months warranty upon product registration.

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SVAN 974 Vibration Meter and FFT Analyser is intended for general vibration measurements and machinery condition monitoring. It can be used by consultants, maintenance services, industry R&D departments etc. Instrument allows parallel acceleration, velocity and displacement measurements. Three vibration profiles in SVAN 974 allow parallel measurements with independently defined filters and RMS detector time constants. Each profile provides a significant number of results (like RMS, Peak or Max). The advanced time-history logging for each profile provides the complete information about the measured signal. Measurements data stored to microSD card can be easily downloaded to any PC using the USB interface and SvanPC++ software.

Most of required weighting filters, like VelMF, meeting ISO 20816 standard requirements, are available with this instrument. Using the computational power of its digital signal processor, the SVAN 974 instrument can perform additionally the real-time 1/1 or 1/3 octave or FFT analysis. The SVAN 974 Vibration Meter offers also, parallel to the vibration measurement, the RPM measurement with Monarch laser tachometer. Instrument is powered from four AA standard or rechargeable batteries. The powering of the instrument from the USB interface is also provided. The robust and very compact case together with a light-weight design complete the exceptional features of this modern instrument.

Machine Vibration Measurements

Machine Vibration Measurement Techniques are described by the ISO 20816-1 standard. These vibration measurement techniques involve accelerometer placement, setting appropriate measurement parameters, executing the measurement, and interpreting the results. ISO Machine Vibration Measurement Technique facilitates accurate collection and analysis of vibration data. The ISO vibration analysis technique identifies potential faults such as bearing defects, misalignment, and imbalance, prompting timely corrective actions.



Machine Vibration

vibration frequency, displacement, velocity, and acceleration

Machine vibration is typically analyzed with measurements of the vibration frequency, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The latter three — displacement, velocity, and acceleration — are time domain measurements, meaning their amplitudes are plotted versus time. ISO 20816-1 provides guidelines primarily for operational monitoring and acceptance tests providing limits for three primary vibration quantities: displacement, velocity and acceleration.

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