Hioki LR8102 Data Logger

Sale price0,00 DKK Price on quotation
Variations: Advanced Model

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  • Introducing a Modular Data Logger
  • Engineered for Use in Embedded Applications

Discover the possibilities

More information

Measurement systems are being called upon to deliver sophisticated capabilities as efficient energy use and e-mobility technologies progress.
Hioki data loggers drive solutions that turn measurement system issues into advantages, for example by assuring the safety of high-voltage systems, accommodating enormous numbers of measurement channels, and realizing data compatibility with upstream systems.



Key Features

  • Add measurement modules as needed to create the measurement system you need
  • [LR8102] Add channels by synchronizing sampling across multiple loggers
  • [LR8102] Transfer high-speed data in real time



Ideal Data Loggers for Battery Charge/Discharge Testing

Batteries used in electric vehicles are becoming increasingly high-voltage. To safely measure battery cell voltages and temperatures during charge/discharge testing of high-voltage battery packs, the terminal-to-ground voltage and module-to-module voltage of the instrument are critical.

Hioki's data loggers, LR8101 and LR8102, provide solutions that turn measurement system challenges into advantages. These solutions ensure safety in high-voltage systems, support a large number of measurement channels, and link data with host systems.



Model No. (Order Code)

LR8101Standard model
LR8102Advanced model

The LR8101 and LR8102 cannot be used alone. They must be combined with one or more measurement modules (sold separately). This product does not include an AC adapter. An AC Adapter Z1016 or the Power Cable L1012 must be purchased separately. For data storage, choose either the Hioki SD Memory Card Z4001 (2 GB), SD Memory Card Z4003 (8 GB), or the USB Drive Z4006 (16 GB).



Unmatched Capability for Capturing Data from High-Voltage Battery Packs

Suitable for Battery Charge/Discharge Testing

Product Concept

Battery packs consist of a large number of cells connected in series.
Since variability in cell characteristics can lead to a decline in the battery pack’s overall performance, it’s critically important to ascertain voltage and temperature behavior at the cell level.

Manufacturers are designing batteries of increasingly high voltage for use in electric vehicles (EVs).
As battery voltages rise from 400 V to 800 V, it becomes harder to measure battery cells’ voltage and temperature safely. Instruments used to conduct charge/discharge testing of these high-voltage battery packs must now have higher terminal-to-ground and module-to-module voltage then before.

Modules that are ideal for use in measuring the voltage of stack cells in battery packs and in charge/discharge testing on cell production lines

Choose and combine the suitable module for your application!


ModuleVoltage/Temp Module M7100Voltage/Temp Module M7102
Battery packsFor 600 V to 1500 V battery packsFor 600 V or lower battery packs
Max. rated terminal-to-ground voltage1500 V DC, 1000 V AC (CAT II)600 V DC, 600 V AC (CAT II)
Max. rated module-to-module voltage1500 V DC, 1000 V AC600 V DC, 600 V AC
Max. number of channels15 channels per module30 channels per module
Sampling rateUp to 5 msUp to 10 ms
External view
For more product details